
Sabra Hummus

Sabra Dipping Co. recalled 30,000 cases of hummus due to possible listeria contamination.

Injury Lawyers

Sabra Hummus Recall

Sabra Hummus Recall

Sabra Dipping Co. Recalls 30,000 Cases of Hummus Due to Listeria Concerns

April 9, 2015

Sabra Dipping Co. announced that it is recalling 30,000 cases of hummus due to possible listeria contamination. The company reports that no illnesses have been linked to the food.

Concerns over listeria contamination arose on March 30, 2015 when a sample of the product obtained from a grocery store in Michigan tested positive for listeria.

For free answers to your questions about Listeria and Sabra Classic Hummus, please call us toll-free at 1-800-883-8888 or complete this online contact form.

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