Group Homes
Learn about how our lawyers can help if your loved one suffered abuse or neglect in a group home.

Best Lawyers in America
O'Steen MacLeod Combs PLC is recognized by Best Lawyers as one of the top law firms in America. Our firm was designated as a Tier 1 law firm in Personal Injury Litigation in the organization's "Best Law Firms" rankings for 2025.
Group Homes Abuse and Neglect
Group homes generally are residential dwellings where a small number of minors or adults of all ages live. A caregiver is present at all times.
Residents of group homes may require assistance with basic tasks, and for various reasons they cannot live alone. Some have developmental disorders. Others suffer from physical disabilities or mental illness. Some are in recovery for drug or alcohol abuse. Children in foster care may be placed with families in group home environments.
Those who live in group homes are subject to much of the same abuse and neglect as are nursing home residents. Because of their vulnerability, they cannot always protect themselves from harm caused by home operators or their staff members.
Legal Protections
State and federal laws provide important protections for group home residents. We understand those laws and together with our co-counsel, we can help you recover for any injuries and losses that occur in a group home.
Our Lawyers Can Help You
Our injury lawyers and staff want to help you, in the unfortunate event that you need our help. Just e-mail or telephone us for a free, no obligation, confidential consultation.
For free answers to your questions about injuries or a death occurring in a group home, just complete our convenient online contact form.
We provide professional attorney services for these types of nursing home abuse and neglect, among others:
- Pressure Ulcers
- Fall Injuries
- Hip and Other Bone Fractures
- Dehydration and Water Deprivation
- Malnutrition
- Medication Errors and Chemical Restraints
- Sepsis/Septic Shock
- Aspiration Pneumonia
- Failure to Develop or Follow Care Plans
- Feeding Tube Injuries
- Physical Abuse by Staff or Others
- Sexual Assault by Staff or Others
- Suspicious or Unexplained Injuries or Death
- Wandering Off (Elopement)

The Law Firm You Choose Makes a Difference
In the largest injury case in the history of the world, we were selected as the only Arizona law firm to represent the State of Arizona against American tobacco companies for the past, present and future costs of treating tobacco-related illnesses. As a result, the State is expected to recover more than $3 billion.