Personal Injury Lawyers


If your loved one was injured or died as a result of abuse or neglect at a nursing home, assisted living center or group home, we can help you.

Nursing Home Lawyers Free Consultation

Best Lawyers in America

Best Lawyers in AmericaO'Steen & Harrison, PLC is recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best law firms in America. Our firm was designated as a Tier 1 law firm in Personal Injury Litigation in the organization's "Best Lawyers - Best Law Firms" rankings for 2024.

Malnutrition in Nursing Homes

As with dehydration, the risk of malnutrition for nursing home residents is shockingly high. Data reveal that one-third to one-half of residents have been malnourished at some time during their stay in a facility. About one-third of all residents are underweight.

Some nursing home residents need extended time for meals, while others require assistance with eating.

Malnutrition may result in low blood sugar, muscle weakness, skin breakdown, confusion (which can be misdiagnosed as dementia), dizziness, weight loss, general poor health and death, among others.

Federal and state laws require nursing homes to insure that residents receive proper nutrition. Yet, many facilities chronically fail to meet this requirement.

Whose Fault?

The causes of this serious problem commonly are:

  • Understaffing
  • Unqualified staff
  • Carelessness, inattention, neglect or abuse by staff

Our Lawyers Can Help You

Our injury lawyers and staff want to help you, in the unfortunate event that you need our help.  Just e-mail or call us for a free, no obligation, confidential consultation.  

For free answers to your questions about injuries or a death occurring in a nursing home, assisted living center or group home, just complete our convenient online contact form.